incidental music

By incidentalmusic

The Assembly Rooms

When I was in my late teens / twenties, I had a huge curiosity for music. I used to read about a composer or musician and want to hear them. I spent a lot of my available money and energy on doing just that. I think that part of me has diminished a little over the years, possibly because the internet makes it so easy to find what you're after instantly. There's no thrill in the chase any more. But when there's live music in the offing, that curiosity wakes up again. A live event can still change your life.

So I've spent a few hours in here this weekend, in various Bath Festival concerts. I've been to see artists I've never heard of (Martin Hayes), people I've always wanted to see (Ute Lemper), people I'm familiar with and have seen a few times (Evan Parker). And Brahms and Mendelssohn today, with whom I feel at home.

Next Friday, I'm going to see Billy Bragg for the umpteenth time. Always a pleasure though.

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