The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Ducks. Daein' It.

I'm not much of a wildlife photographer (I'm not much of any kind of photographer, but let's gloss over that fact for the moment), but when my sister-in-law and roomie, Carolynn, pointed out that there was some serious duck action on the go in the garden I just knew I had to capture the shot.

Unfortunately, I couldn't quite get my camera out of my bag in time and, despite, Carolynn shouting at me that "It's twa ducks, they're nae ga'n tae be at it fur that long" (she'd gone all teuchy on account of our rural location) I only managed to capture their post-coitus embarrassment. It was quite clear that one of the ducks had enjoyed the experience more than the other, the white one just looked like it had been violated.

Anyhoo - despite having spent Saturday doing all kinds of new and exciting things: quad-biking, 4x4 driving, archery and go-karting to name but some of the activities, this is the photo that best encapsulates the day...

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