a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Look closely!

I'm not a fan of snakes at all. I actually really dislike them, but I try very hard to 'put on a brave face' when Jack is around so that he doesn't develop a fear of them because of me.

Jack and I came across this snake, and trying to be a cool mom, I told him to come over closer to take a look. He wanted me to get a picture of it. When I crouched down for the shot, I noticed an ant crawling on it's back up towards its head. I waited until the ant was sitting there right above his eyes and took this photo. The ant was moving pretty fast, and I was a bit nervous to get really good focus. A micro-second later, that ant was no longer.

So, not the best photo, but I thought it was neat that the ant was on it's head and of course, Jack really liked it!

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