Country Fair

19months 8days

It's been fabulous today! We had a nice day planned, then got a lovely surprise when Grandad phoned at 7am and asked if him and Granny could join us, and stay over for funtimes tomorrow. Katie was SO excited when they arrived. And even more excited when we got in their car.

We went to some horse trials and a country fair at an agricultural college. It was a brilliant day. We started out going to see the animals, Katie seemed to remember that we'd been before as she was looking and asking for the pigs. We saw a really teeny baby wallaby being carried in it's mummy's pouch. It was gorgeous!! We saw meercats, lemurs, alpacas, the pigs and lots and lots of horses. We then went to the pigs houses, and she loved running through the big tunnel beside them.

We went outside and watched some of the horse trials - some of the show jumping then some of the cross country. We saw lots of calves and cows, which Katie desperately wanted to go stroke. We then went to the craft arena and Katie spent ages painting two plant pots. She had a fab time climbing the tractors, and sitting in them. She asked for more more tractor in fact.

We stopped and had a picnic, and Katie troughed. Not surprising given she'd walked miles and miles. After lunch we went to look at the small animals and she was really taken by the rodents. Grandad wanted a degu, but the woman was watching, so we didn't! We went to the charity stalls and there were three different dog rehoming charities. Katie and I had lots of snuggles with the most beautiful soft big dog, she and the dog lay down together at one point. She then ran over to get Monkey from the pushchair and took him back to stroke the dog too. I met a greyhound that I'm extremely tempted to rehome. She had a great time running around and playing in some haybales. Of course, Katie managed to find some huge puddles and spent a long time going splash.

Katie fell asleep and we went to the "snuggle a snake and hug a bug" room. I held a big corn snake, a tarantula and a tortoise. Which weed on the boy who held it seconds after I'd had it. Good timing!

After her sleep, we were watching a fabulous brass band, Katie was very upset when she thought we were moving away and wanted to listen to more.We went to a beautiful walled gardens and had afternoon tea whilst Katie watched and chased bees! We found a gorgeous little duck pond and she fed them the remainder of our sandwiches.

It's been an absolutely lovely day,and Katie is very loving having granny and grandad here still.

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