All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Choo choo

5.20am start from Ethan today. So, not great, but at least he wasn't up half the night like he was the night before with hubbie.

I got up with him, and curled up on my parents sofa while he played with toys in the living room. After my parents got up a few hours later I went back to bed and slept for ... 3 hours! I didn't expect that to happen! Apparently Ethan slept for 2 of those hours too!

He has enjoyed pulling this toy train around their house and also thinks it's hysterical to follow Grandpa if he pulls it along too! Their downstairs rooms all link up so he can walk round the house in circles for ages.

After lunch, Grandpa went down to the community centre and we dropped Granny off 1/2 hour later so she could attend the official opening of the art exhibition. Ethan and I headed home, via The Fort Shopping Centre. He fell asleep in the car just before we got there, so I sat and read a book while I waited for him to wake up.

A bit of shopping later and we went back home. I think hubbie had enjoyed a quiet, relaxing day while we were away but was clearly pleased to see us back home too.

Have also backblipped yesterday.

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