Sunday stroll
Mothers Day in France today (lucky me to get two this year) so I was presented with all manner of cards and gifts this morning. Before it was too hot for exercise, we headed off for a walk. There's a Roman road passing near us and we decided to walk a stretch of that, using the cars to avoid having to double back and put up with the inevitable moans of despair when the kids realised they had the same distance again to walk. Today's was a lovely walk, with beautiful views in all directions, including this one towards the end of the walk looking over the small hamlet of St Andre and on to a hazy view of the Pyrenees. This is not the best view of the walk, but it's one I'll remember as it was just preceded by Mr B saying "We should have moved here years ago".
So true.
Home for barbie and lazing about. We should have been at the annual fete for mine and Katherine's pony school... but it turns out that was yesterday. Tonight, some battling with our home entertainment system: now we can play music and Mr B's keyboard through the stereo. But sadly Mr B left the remote for the DVD player in Scotland, so although I can play any music in iTunes at the flick of a mouse, we still have to scrabble round on the floor to play a DVD.
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