Very windy

Today was very windy indeed, so much so that the kids nearly got blown onto the road on their scooters and the youngest decided to stop scooting (which was probably a good idea). Despite all this we still had to take them out in the afternoon so a short trip to the playground was in order. On the way I caught this bunting fiercly blowing in the wind.

More reading once we got back (yet another McCall-Smith, the Maggie O'Farrell book was so gripping that I'm delaying finishing it), then tasks to keep the flat in relative order.

I keep thinking about our neighbours who have fenced themselves off on the drying green and am trying of ways to persuade them to open at least a little way for the kids to see their friends but I think it may well be impossible. Some people don't want to change and are so sure that they are right that any other opinion might be futile. So all I should do really is to "not let other people's priorities become my priorities!" Thank you for that quote J, I'll probably use it a lot from now on.

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