Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

Crazy weather

I haven't been out at all today apart, from every now and then popping into the garden to check the clouds.

The day started off completely grey, then the cloud broke up and we had sunshine, then the wind came and blew over a load of different weather. Finally as the sun started to set I noticed there were some broken up stormy looking clouds. So while the family half watch Britain's Got Talent, they look on in bemusement as I leap through the French windows to stand on the garden table to do my blip. They are getting used to my odd behaviour!

This was a bit of a snatched panorama, which accounts for the distorted pergola. I quite like the whole slightly surreal feel of the thing.

The garden was designed by the previous owner and looks fantastic when it has been trimmed back and looked after. It also cleverly conceals the neighbouring houses.

Maybe try it large

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