Inarticulate Boy Wonder

By 0neTenthHero

Tossing The Caber

We took a short drive north from Aberfeldy, where we'd been staying, to attend the Blair Atholl Highland Games today. The weather was pretty much the same as the previous couple days. This shot was during one of the more-or-less dry moments. It was a great day and I can't imagine better surroundings for watching grown men in kilts throwing telegraph poles than the stunning Blair Castle.

On our way back home, we drove the much longer but very scenic route through the tiny village of Fortingall. Home to a 5000 year old yew tree, thought to be the oldest living thing in Europe and also where it's believed that Pontius Pilate was born. From there, down the side of the beautiful Loch Tay through Killin (which has been a favourite place for us for about 20 years - go there if you haven't been). After Crianlarich, we followed the road down the west side of Loch Lomond to Balloch. And home is only half an hour from there.

I love driving those roads. The only trouble is I end up stretching my family's patience with my detours and photo stops. Must try to get up that way again soon.

P.S. Dear Scottish Tourist Board, if you're paying attention ... I accept commission.

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