
By bibaphoto

Kiss me, just kiss me!!

Looky what we found in our yard today. He was a big fella too!

Wonderful Sunday: this morning swimming with the little one, then nap, then toysrus.

It was the first time she has ever been in a toy store!! It was so much fun. She kept asking, "can we go this way"... And of course we had to try out every bouncy ball they had!

We wound up getting the game ker-plunk and hi-ho cherrio. We also got our first doll (she never wanted to play with dolls), well, I can't say it's a doll. It was a Tinkerbell (the barby doll kind), along with Tinkerbell's kitchen.

She's all worn out now!

Thank you all for the congrats on my 100th blip! It's great to be here!!


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