A Rose By Any Name...

Today, I decided to take a break from using the iPhone for shooting, processing and uploading to blip. I did find some new photography iPhone apps. I think there are enough that I could spend the rest of my life trying them out. The amazing part is most are free, if not they're usually less than $1.

I made an interesting find yesterday. We are getting ready to have a HUGE garage sale - a little (actually quite a bit of) spring cleaning. While going through some boxes in our shed, I found an old, almost new Nikkor 85mm f1.4 manual lens. This is one that has the metal bit on it for the old "F" series film cameras of fame and integrity. It works fine on both my D300 and my D3. I don't think it will make it to the garage sale bin.

The Bokeh is fabulous. This is a shot of a rose in Marilyn's yard (our next door neighbor), with a little TAdj treatment. I had fun with the light coming through the petals and I know it's "just another flower" image, but I like it. The original image was nice, but the dof with this lens takes some getting used to. Plus, it's manual focus which means I really need to tweak my viewfinder focus adjustment - we don't do that much anymore as the digital cameras we use now have auto-focus that's pretty dependable. Anyway, I liked the treated image better and I'll probably spend some quality time with an old fashioned lens instead of geeking with the iPhone. I guess it's all really geeking isn't it?

This lens is supposedly one of the finest 85mm portrait lenses ever made. I got it in a trade for something. It was found with box, manual, registration papers and contained in the original plastic as new.

Enjoy! Another day off for us folks in the US - Memorial Day tomorrow.

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