People I Love

By Ragen


I'm feeling very proud if myself today, I've been a busy little bee. I repotted the squash I've been growing on the window ledge and they are now sat on the balcony getting ready for relocation to the allotment this weekend.

I've planted all the peas into bigger pots on the balcony, I wonder how they will grow out of pots? They were also meant for the allotment but I've decided it's too windy there so we'll experiment with them on the balcony.

I've also turned leftover burgers into spag bol (defrosted but not cooked at the Bradleys small leaving BBQ, between kayaking, which was super fun)

AND made some more yummy soda bread :)

It's now 5pm and I'm sat on the balcony, enjoying the sunshine, waiting for Rob to come home and James to wake up. Life is good today x

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