noble maggie

By maggiesays

Living above the Shop

On the left of this image is Quarry Bank House, built by Samuel Greg in the 1790s for himself, his wife Hannah and their 13 children. To the right, you can see the chimney and part of his cotton mill - he obviously felt the need to keep a very close eye on things!

Quarry Bank Mill is now owned by the National Trust. It was restored to working condition in 1991 and has one of the largest water-powered wheels you will find. Breast-shot, if you are interested in such matters, and it turns at a stately speed. But the mill floors contain examples of all the period machinery, and the noise when just two looms are operating gives you some idea of what conditions might have been like when in full operation. There is much fascinating information about the story of the industrial revolution and its impact on social migration and working conditions.

It is a very interesting place to visit. Not only is there the mill, but there is a lovely woodland walk upstream the river Bollin and the valley gardens beyond the house are now open, some areas only recently purchased and under restoration.

Well worth a visit if you are in the area.

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