
By cowgirl

Rosy raindrops

Sav had to work today, but he and his partner in crime decided to get out early, do what they had to do and get home again as quickly as possible, so he was gone by 6 a.m. and back at 10.30.

Rather than sit at home watching the rain showers we decided to head out to Barrington Court. I'm so glad we did, it's lovely there and the weather kept the crowds away, which suits me as there are less people to get in the way of my shots!

Between us, we took over 100 photos and have both chosen wet flowers - but to be fair, there weren't any dry ones!

We also got to plant a runner bean each and bring them home with us, along with 2 packets of seeds and a card for free entry for a non-member friend anytime between now and the end of the year - Bank Holiday Bonus!

Oh yes, another cream tea had to be had, but not a patch on yesterdays!

All in all, I thoroughly recommend a trip to Barrington Court.

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