
By Runningbackwards

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Okay, so this is what happened!

Mrs Running Backwards has taken me on a surprise 40th Birthday break to the South Coast.

Only when we got here did I find out where I was going.

So far we have walked along the coast from Beesands to Torcross to satisfy Dream Break Requirement No.1 - Walk followed by quick pint.

We then walked back over the hill, on the way taking this shot of the glorious Slapton Sands (all pebble) and Slapton Ley National Nature reserve behind, separated only by a narrow shingle causeway.

Back on the beach at Beesands I was able to satisfy Dream Break Requirement No.2 - a swim in the sea. I didn't look too good - increasingly like Cyril Smith but it was a great swim in water that was refreshing, to say the least.

Back to the posh residence where we are staying briefly and thought I should just make use of the wi-fi to share my current good fortune with you! Then a quick snooze - Dream Break Requirement No.3!

Big TV in the room and all that but I am a man of simple pleasures. White cotton sheets and a bit of peace and quiet make Dream Break Requirement No.4.

Son #1 and #2 are having their own Dream Break with Grandparents, so all happy!

On a more sombre note, Slapton Sands is a glorious spot but was once the scene of a terrible incident. We should be grateful always and never forget what in historical terms is something very recent.

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