The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Bathtime Blip

The wee ones *love* a bath - unlike their soap-dodging big sister. They play a game with little Barbie dolls called mermaids and mermads (I think the mermads are the male equivalent of a mermaid?) and it's ace listening to them coming up with stories. Ella is following in her big sister's footsteps by instructing Callum in every single response that he makes as his "mer" character - there is no room for improv in Ella's imagination...

She does look particularly angelic in this photo - I had to crop Callum out of it as he was giving a full frontal display that would undoubtedly come back to haunt him as a teenager. I've put the original photo in my album marked "Things to show Callum's first girlfriend".

My alternative blip for tonight was going to be Philip packing his bag for his mountain biking trip. It would be photographic evidence of how he can pack for a trip more than 15 minutes before he is due to leave and also how excited he is about going to Skye for some Brokeback mountain biking with the boys...

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