
By Appreciation

The Gift Horse

I was excited this morning by a news article about Flash Mobbing. I want to be part of that, but I can only find events in London or Europe. Here it is here.

I was off into town early and as I stepped off the bus my eye caught this young man having a quick fag before heading into work. My instincts told me he would make the perfect model, standing there with all the accoutriments of youth, his earplugs, his machine for phoning and making music, his fag, his style and his carry out coffee. Sadly me nerve said Noooooo, leave well alone. Put the young man down now dear and walk away. So I did. Yet two hours later, when I returned to the bus stop to meet my girl, there he was again, in the same spot, having another fag break. That surely was fate?

I do admire the way young men have embraced fashion in the last few years. I mean this guy has worked his hair into his belt and shoes. That's an attention to detail that I am certain the older gentleman would not even have noticed. Certainly my No. 1 couldn't. My only concern is that he shouldn't be wasting his money on the luxuries of carry out coffees all day, where do they get that kind of cash from?

So, you're thinking I was brave, stepped up, asked if he would mind.... Not a chance, I slinked into the bus stop and acted all casual like and waited for him to look away, or txt, anything but check that I was trying to take a shot. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth! I don't know what it will take for me to earn my stripes.

Tomorrow, if plans work, I am intending to go to the Oxfam/Blip Big Picnic in Princes Street, perhaps that will spur me on. Perhaps we could combine the Blip meet with a Flash mob event. Now that would be worth a laugh.

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