Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic


Can't believe it is the last day of the MusicalMay challenge, set by Life of Ponty Cyclops.

I've really enjoyed it and discovered some music I didn't know before along the way.

I am also enjoying growing lots of different plants this year - mainly flowers in some pots and window boxes but also tomatoes, chilli peppers & butternut squash in grow-bags. The downside is having to water them all every night but as long as I do it the instant I get home it is ok - I never sit down first as once I do, that's it till bed-time, I'm usually exhausted by the time I get home.

I was really excited yesterday to see that there were finally some buds on the nasturtium plants, they seem to have taken a long time to get close to flowering. I blipped them here only 2 weeks ago and there wasn't a bud in sight. I absolutely love nasturtiums, they remind me of being a child. My dad was in the RAF so we moved house a lot, mainly living in flats/apartments without a garden so I'm not sure where I remember these flowers from.

And my music for the last day of the challenge? Well, I'd already decided that it had to be a Bowie song - he's my all-time music hero, I've been a fan of his since I was about 12 or 13. It was hard to pick just one Bowie song - I had decided to shoe-horn in one of his songs regardless of my blip but this one does actually fit! Enjoy the video and sing along here

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