Daily Nothings

By dailynothings

Day 4: On Stage

Great day today! :-) went for the usual swim first thing, freya is getting really confident in there now!

After a quick change we headed off down to the beach, got the usual freezing feet from the paddle, and then had a lie down on the beach.

This was when the first blip opportunity happened, freya kindly offered to bury me in the sand, after which the other kids joined in and made me into a camel sculpture! Thanks guys!

After a scrub down to get all the sand off we headed to the club for some more 2p therapy before going for a drink. This is when the 2nd blip opportunity came up, the kids were down the front and Daniel manged to get himself up on stage... And they wanted him to get his mum on stage to play some games! The kids were using the mums as seats in a game of musical chairs, and after each round Sarah and the mums had to do impressions, first up was barnaby bear, followed by the crazy frog (videos available to the highest bidder!) Sadly Sarah got voted off before the chicken impression!

After that they played another game in which they got freya up on stage to play! So that earned its place as my blip for today! Here she is putting together a picture of barnaby for a lolly and a badge! :-)

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