An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Directing the crane

It is officially summer. Yesterday was Memorial Day. Today they were installing a new air conditioning unit for the ballroom of our building. Lots of workman were waiting for the AC unit to be lifted off the truck and put in place. This man was relaying the directions of the gang of men pushing and tugging the gigantic metal box. A little up. No a little down. Right. No your other right.

It has been years since I have actually done labor. I have an aversion to physical work. Knowing me, if I ever had to be on that crew, I would be this guy directing or more likely I would be the guy operating the crane in air conditioned comfort. I hate the heat, but if you live anywhere in Texas, June, July and August fight to see which is the hottest. And I always loose.

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