Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

The Splendor of Morning

I grabbed one quick photo this morning and didn't know how it may turn out. I then didn't get a chance to pick up a camera until 7:30 p.m this evening... I did have a couple of possibilities from this evenings "photo sessions" but I kept coming back to this. I just wish I had a slow paced morning to enjoy these sunrises :)

Back in the fall when I had photographed several sunrises and was rather apologetic for using so many, Molly (Amalarian) had commented and left these words: "Sunrises are always welcome because there are days when the sun rises unseen behind the clouds" I have tried to never apologize for blipping a sunrise since then... and I hope no one else does either.. We may overload on them sometimes, but they are always welcome...

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