Click goes the Shutter

By RomaWhaup

Sea Pinks??

I challenged myself today to take only one photo! I've got a lot to do and shouldn't spend much time blipping! I'm very undisciplined and really enjoy taking a lot of photos and then deliberating which one to post - so my solution was to only allow myself to take one photo, blip and then get on with other things - and I might allow myself to check other people's blips once I've got some jobs done!

Of course, it took a while to decide on the subject matter, but finally decided that these sea pinks have been looking so good this year that they warranted the attention. Despite wanting to go back out and take a better shot I have resisted and so this is it!

I'm afraid I can't remember if I brought these plants down from Aberdeen when we moved here or if I bought them when John made this new bed (from the earth dug out of the pond) which is sad as I enjoy remembering the history of my plants.

If they are not sea pinks - perhaps someone could let me know - I don't have time to look them up just now!

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