Captured in time

By capturedintime

Blowing Out Candles

Noah turned 7 today, and I was fortunate to get the day off work at the last minute. I should have been away all week on a course but it was cancelled.

We had a lovely day playing cricket and football at Leighton sports ground where we also enjoyed a picnic. The afternoon was spent in the garden, doing a spot of tidying and planting.

The cake was rolled out at tea time when the grand parents were around. This isn't a flattering picture of Noah but it does show his determination to blow out all 7 candles in one puff.

The day finished with BBQ food (cooked under the grill) which we ate outside in the sunshine; albeit in a cool breeze.

News also came through that my sister has just given birth to a baby girl (Not currently named) - well done to everying involved!

All in all a very enjotable and satifying day.

Happy Birthday Jamie M!

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