Zoom Zoom

It's been a very exciting day today. Mum took me to the nursery for my enrolment. I start there in August. I am desperate to go to nursery (in fact, yesterday Orla told me it was her birthday (again). When I told her it wasn't, she said "I want to be three"). I saw Alanah and Saul there. Saul tried to talk to me, and I wouldn't talk back. I met my new teacher, and she is very nice. She showed me the book cupboard. I think I'm going to like it there.

And if that wasn't enough excitement, I'm now confident enough to ride on my scooter! Next stop, outside!

Here's a video.

Well done to all the Bilpniccers. We couldn't join in because of the nursery enrolment (at lunchtime, inconveniently!) but we have enjoyed looking at all of the blips and will show our support for Oxfam in the traditional fashion of donating some cash.

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