Lyndsay's Awesome Stuff

By lyndsaymatthews

Glasgow - The beginning of the end...

Twas a crazy night!

We started at Maggie May's to watch Echo-Bass, my old school friends and now an epic band, that need to take the world by storm, immediately if not sooner. Find them and listen to them - for they've come a long way since the local cemetery with various substances, mostly legal, and Pol's (lead singer) bedroom listening to them create raps and feedback whilst writing on the walls. It was ace.
Next was a quick happy birthday, which might or might not have ended prematurely due to me maybe threatening the birthday boy's brother, because he's a jumped up little prick with more showboating than Lindsay Lohan's ankle bracelet. Little bastard. Nobody makes my sister cry. Little bastard.
After that, went to Classic Grand, a great nightclub with an amaze-balls atmosphere. There was music, shots, shoes, losing folk, and fried chicken and noodles.
Ah, the noodles... they were epic!

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