
By La-la

2 days to go

This is going to be completely uninteresting to anyone except me. I had a beautiful photo lined up of my housemate's colourful and highly nutritious-looking green and red salad. It was a great angle, the colours were perfect, but when it came down to it, I just wasn't interested.

So - what DOES interest me right now!? Well! I'll tell you! :)

I'm counting down the days until Thursday because this is when I am heading back 'oop north!'. My best friends in the world and I are going 'noncamping' this weekend. Noncamping is a concept that came about last year when my friend and I were going to go proper camping, "with tents and everything!" Word leaked out of our plans and, before we knew it, we had 10 extra people wanting to come too. So we ended up abandoning the tent idea and booking luxury static caravans for one night and tipis for the other. We had an amazing weekend, and as a result our skills in organising noncamping weekends became legendary! So we've decided to do it again.

This weekend around 10 of us are heading to Kinlochleven in Scotland. I am, of course, heading first to hometown Edinburgh to pick up the rest of the crew, including withwood.

I'm so excited to see my friends and only have 2 more days at work to get through - I travel up on Thurs night to Edinburgh and we'll journey on to Kinlochleven midday Friday in our rented Merc (oh yeah, we travel in STYYYYYLE! Well, why not!? we're on holiday!), picking up a couple of crates on the way.

Til then, the days are dragging....!

We'll try and take some good blips while we're there! :)

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