Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

the look of innocent love!

if you can get past how hidiously dirty the train windows are this is just sooo cute! Don't you just wish life and love was always this simple?

These two just adore each other and play so nicely together and are obviously mischievious together aswell!

Izzy is always saying how much she loves "her Bailey"!

We had a lovely trip out to a little town called hungerford, we went on the train, walked up to the common and had a picnic and then walked back up to the canal to feed the ducks and swans (which are much friednlier than Thatcham's!!)

Drama of the day was when Izzy left her comfort toy penguin called "3" on the train! I made lots of phonecalls and got no-where, we were stood on the platform still when a train was coming through with "3" up in the drivers window! oh such relief!! The train driver had sent it back on the next train in the hope we would still be there, bless him, there are some kind thoughtful peole out there! I think I will write them an email to say thank you to the driver as im sure alot of people wouldn't have even given it a second thought!

I hope I am finding everyone well and you have had lovely sunshine like us!

If you have got this far please could I ask you all a huge favour? if you could spare one minute and go onto this facebook page and like, share and vote for it. It's a cause close to my heart and this money could really effect the children at the school. Thank you. xx
Priors Court School "vote for the peoples millions"

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