
By Orc2009

Wheel, stone, sea, sky

I went over to Rousay and up to the Loch of Wasbister. From the shore at Nousty Sand I headed east past Riff of Lythe to the Castle of Garsniegeo where I had coffee and then onto Faraclett past Scree, The Knee, Quear of Eastafea and the Loch of Skockness as far as the Bay of Ham, in which I could detect no ham.

It was around the Riff that I found another shoredump of old farm machinery. I took this wheel out and removed a piece of the perimeter so it would stand for the photograph.

Lots of great skua, arctic tern etc. The eiders have ducklings, the herring gulls chicks and the fulmars eggs.

A nice day but I could have done with the wind giving it a rest for even five minutes.

More shots from the walk here.

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