
By bibaphoto

Say Cheese Mommy

Today I have to give credit for this photo to my daughter. Yesterday I gave her, her own camera, one of my old point and shoots. My daughter is 2.5 and eventhough she is very young, she learned quick. I showed her how to press and hold. At first, as soon as she pressed she moved the camera. So, I explained to her, she has to keep the camera still until she hears the photo has been taken or the flash of light. She totally understood.

Yesterday she took photo's of every teddy bear she had, of herself in the mirror, of each pillow on the couch, every tile on the floor..


Today, I thought it would be cute and fun if we took a photo of each other while taking the photo of the other. I have to admit, her photo of me turned out way better then mine. Mine was a snap shot, hers, I thought was great. So, I thought I'd post hers instead of mine.

I warned her father (my hubby) he might have to buy more equipment soon if she continues to do so great. She even told him yesterday the camera I had given her didn't work, it was old, she needs a new one.... :-) Ahhh the apple of my eye!! hee hee
Hubby had to go through this just recently with me as I upgraded to my D700.

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