This, That And the Other

By Kersting


BRRR... Ok I know it's a lot of ice in reality it's about 100 bags. Tonight we had our 3rd Annual Taste of White Lake party outside the Howmet Playhouse. We had lots of food, beer, wine, music, and well you guessed it to much ICE.

They were going to just dump the leftover ice out and I said we have Graduation party's this weekend can I take some. So after getting the ok to take some I put about 30 bags of ice in the Trunk of my Toyota Camry. Who would have thought that my little car would hold so much ice.

After loading the 30 bags I went to help finish taking stuff down and then finally after about 30min or more of helping we got enough stuff cleared from the street to get me out of the parking lot. So off I went to MeMaw and Poppa's to drop off what I thought was only going to be 4 bags and good thing I had extra because they called my aunt and she needed some.

Then after filling both freezers I went home to pick up my dad so we could drop the rest of it off at my uncles for some party's going on this weekend. So when all was said and done we only dumped out about 8 bags.

1 very wet trunk, 30 bags of ice, and one fun night later I'm here blipping about bags of ice.

11:11 p.m.
No rain today. Maybe tomorrow?

Oh yes almost forgot... every bag of ice that I took to the basement and moved about 6 times was a very nice reminder not to even think about swimming in the winter not that I would do that.

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