Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Cat's Eye

OK, so not the most inspired back blip ever, but the title says it all.

Was on nights all last week, and this is a very dodgy photo of the optic disk of a cat, showing the white central myelinated disk, and the red arterioles and veins emerging from it and running out onto the retina.

The interesting thing about this is it was taken on zoom, handheld, on the compact camera, through a condensing lens, with me illuminating it via a pen-torch held in my mouth!

For all that it's out of focus, you can clearly see the vessels coming almost towards you out of the optic disk, and running onto the retina.

Eyes are great, and beautiful inside, and given this optic disk is about the size of a pin head, I think it's a great photo!

Ah, you know us ophthalmologists get really excited about thing like this, unfortunately it was the only chance I got to take any shots whilst in the emergency room, everything else is too fast paced to get the camera out.

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