Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Cat's Eye

Mum's Home!


No Signal

Girly Things

For Dotty

You won't find any there mate!

That which we call a rose..

A marathon of backblips, but being on 14-15 hour night shifts with a 50 minute commute is not condusive to regular daily Blipography!

Body clock still all to feck, so up with the larks at stupid-o-clock this morning, and wandered out into the garden just as the sun was rising.

The moody misty shots however, did not turn out as planned, possibly as I was not awake enough to fiddle with the exposure. However this one I like.

I have no idea what it is, looks a bit like an Iris, and a quick Google search confirms this I think. However still loving Dad's camera, chances of him getting it back in the near future, I'd say slim to none!

Have a look at the backblips, none I'm that proud of, but then this is a journal, and when time is precious, a quick snap is all it takes, (in focus or not!)

Glad to be back, have missed you all and will have a pile of catching up to do this week.

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