
By GeeWhiz

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

It was really hot on my run today so I was taking it easy and taking in the scenery. As I was coming down a road, I spotted a bike sitting at a funny angle against the wall. There is no pavement and very few houses and it struck me as odd. I was worried that a car was going to hit it as it was sticking into the road a bit, I slowed down as I ran passed it and spotted a sign on the bike. I could not read it from where I was, so I crossed over to read it. It read [Please Help Yourself. [i]Its free to takeaway. Reduce Reuse Recycle.[/i] i][/i] I had a look around and there was nobody to be seen, the bike was missing a saddle, a pedal and one of the gears was broken, but apart from that it looked in ok nick, no rust, brakes worked and good wheels. What a stroke of luck! So I took it. I would like to say a big thank you to the good samaritan who left it at the side of the road. Having lost my bike to a thief a couple of weeks ago and not being able to buy another bike just now it has come at a very good time and its gone to a good home, its going to get stripped and rebuilt and will be oiled weekly!

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