
By jkj10

Under My Umbrella

So many of you enquired about the third sister I thought I'd share this one with you.

Sorry I wasn't able to come back to the film theme yesterday. Especially as so many of you joined in the fun. I had my hands full with the three little ladies. I was in a heap after they left yesterday. Sat in a very quiet dark room for about 30 minutes to equalise!

So here is what you had to say. The film that rated highest:

Shawshank Redemption by a long way with about eight votes.

Wings of Desire with about five votes

Pulp Fiction

The Godfather

Mary Poppins


Trois Couleurs

Only one person named a Monty Python film as their top film. No surprises that Jane Withers liked Life of Brian best. WHat else would it be?

My personal and newly revised list looks like this. in no particular order

Wings of Desire


Donny Darko (only other mention of this film was from my film buddy Freespiral, we do have a very similar taste in cinema.)

Annie Hall

A Prophet (although Casablanca and Breakfast at Tiffany's are fighting to get into this slot)

Thanks for all you enthusiasm, that was really fun.

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