Mrs Unremarkable

By MrsUnremarkable

Very Early Start

Try 4am! Well by the time I had fannied about it was 4.30am when I left the house. When you are going to Orkney you have to time it right to be able to catch the ferry, so this is our preferred departure time would you believe.

My first surprise was that it was light at that time. Stopped to let the dogs out & then to take a couple of photos of the mist (about 5am). Both the deer & me got a shock - he recovered far quicker than I did cos he was well away before I got him in my sights.

Second treat was when the ferry driver/captain? announced Orca on the port side. (Glad he added that port means left). Sure enough, there were 5 of them that I saw. Really cross with myself though cos pratting about trying to take a photo when I should just have been watching them. Managed about 10 sea shots & 1 tail!

First time I have driven up completely by myself (and in my car). Finally arrived here at 3pm. Early night me thinks.

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