Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Summer At Last

Thank you Sean you got the forecast spot on ! A beautiful , bright sunny day, very warm , loved it and the flowers did as well. I've been watching the poppies in my garden for weeks now just waiting for that special moment when they start to pop out and today it happened.

I had a date with the lawnmower as the grass was knee high ( I know Kaybee , my knee high isn't all that high being vertically challenged) but it was the highest I've seen in this garden. Anyway I did the usual inspection of said poppies, noticed a tiny chink of peachy pink at the base of the flower bud.Set up the camera on the tripod and got on with the grass cutting , checlking every now and again and by mid afternoon the hot sun had worked it's magic and the spiky covering started to peel away from the flower. This is the shot I liked best. Loved the stripey detail at the base of the flower and all those petals beginning to unfurl. Hope you like it too.

Of course it's Sod's Law that the dragonfly larvae in the pond have now become tiny red dragonflies and I did get a couple of shots but decided that I only get today to get a shot of the poppies unfurling , I'll get other opportunities to ge the dragonflies. Also didn't like one of the reeds which was a different shade from the other reeds , it had turned yellow and looked obtrusive . The offending reed has been taken out of the pond and hopefully the dragonflies will cooperate and land on a better spot tomorrow morning.
have a great day tomorow, hope our weather keeps up.

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