Flint Knapping

By Flintaxe

The Greater Chip Eating Gull

Not such a rare species and they don't limit themselves to chips! I can remember driving onto the harbour at Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire a couple of years ago and saw a gull steal a scoop of ice cream out of a cornet. Despite all of this, I'm not one of the 'they're a problem, we have to cull' brigade. It seems there's a growing faction in society that, every time wildlife becomes inconvenient, the answer is KILL KILL KILL. We have invaded their habitats and our careless and insanitary habits (throwing chips and rubbish on the ground) has changed their behaviour, encouraging their naturally opportunistic natures. I still love them, no trip to seaside should be without the noisy gargling calls of the Herring Gull, they just need better PR!

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