Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Piranha, Deep Sea World

Well that's another annual Activities Day over. 32 pupils taken out and entertained for seven hours.

This was our first port (ha ha) of call and although I took lots of photos in the underwater tunnel, I think I like this one of a lone, lurking piranha the best.

These fellas were upstairs in a chamber of their own. They always make me smile because they bring back a memory of a pupil I once taught. The first time I saw the piranhas after I started teaching him, I realised that they looked exactly like one another - both the boy and the fish having slightly protruding lower jaws, and dark, expressionless circular, bulging eyes. And in that instant a phrase came immediately into my mind. For the boy's forename and surname began with the initial T, and my brain looked at these fish and suddenly spurted out: "A Tankful of Terry Taylors" (I've changed the lad's real name here by the way, but you get the idea). So I think of that every time I come here, and I think of the boy every time I see a piranha anywhere else too. He was a pleasant lad, so it's not a bad thing to recall him, though admittedly, it's perhaps a weird reason to remember a pupil for!

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