shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Good day!

Today was our Volunteers' Week celebration at work. We've been doing this for a good few years, and hold a regular event during Volunteers' Week, trying to keep it diverse. This year we decided that a BBQ would be good, and unusually the weather suited us, so we took over the car park at work, set up the tricycle for folk to look at (a hand pedalled wheel chair which can be used by folk with limited hand mobility), got the food going and set out our Leprosy Snakes and Ladders game. A resource designed for kids it entertains the young at heart too! This photo shows some of our volunteers and our lovely MSP Bruce Crawford getting into the spirit of things. Was so pleased the with new camera, such bright colours, and in other shots coped with low light incredibly well! Also had a lovely evening with friends from church watching TV and chatting, lovely to relax after a rather hectic week. Off to Arran to continue the relaxation tomorrow!

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