
I made a rainy day plan for today and carried it out although the sun shone in the morning. And since it still wasn't raining after lunch I got to spend time in the garden doing a bit of planting and weeding as well.

The air was perfumed with apple blossoms, the very first chokecherry blossoms and the flowering daphne shrub. And since this weekend is our local cultural Mosaic festival there was music in the air as well. Bagpipes (from the nearby Scottish pavilion) are not my favourite but from a distance and in chorus with the neighbourhood merlin they added a certain unique flavour to the gardening experience.

And, says my Canadian Gardening magazine "According to a paper released in April 2007 from the University of Bristol...Mycobacterium vaccae in soil may have the same effect as antidepressants, stimulating the release of the mood enhancing chemical serotonin."

That seems like a good enough reason to keep some dirt under my fingernails.

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