With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

moda Ibiza

She didn't sell too many frocks today. (Orisit and I don't find that too upsetting do we ;) ?)

The terrific thunderstorm fortunately waited until Ben's final victorious match of the season had finished. We sheltered like the rest of the town before I went to buy a new brolly from the only successful business in town. A shame as the orange festival was on, with lots of food stalls etc. It was fun though as the water gushed backwards from drainpipes and the whole town seemed to squealed as it blacked out

Bearing Lebanese delights, we raced soggily home to consume them, steaming quietly infront of a fire (in June!) and the fantastic film about the brilliant Staff Benda Bilili. Catch them if you can, or watch the film. Truly wonderful.

Off to a party tonight. Sorry about the rubbish photos, I'm having too much fun. Have a great night everyone.

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