The Pain of Me

By snyder54

Dirty Little Secret

ahh! I'm so tired of my weird schedule. I had to skip track and my 4-H meeting tonight, just so I could play in my band concert.

School was pretty much...well boring.

I came home and started getting ready for the concert. Well I was straightening my hair when my friend Chris called my cell. I don't get much service at my house, So I was surprised that I was even able to answer it. I told him to call my house. I haven't actually talked to him on the phone since...October. I haven't seen him since October either. So I was excited to talk to him. He told me what has happened to him and stuff. I found out that if I was single, he would totally date me. Which is kinda weird, cause he's a few years older than me. But still a nice guy.

So I hung up with him and finished getting ready. Well at the band concert I learned how to do this thing with my trombone...and no, not what you're thinking. haha. The word starts with a "B", but I can't remember. I did really good at my band concert. I was very happy.

Except when my friend Landon put saw-dust in my bell! I was so mad at him. The bad thing was, was that we had to go play a song right after he put it in there. grr...

Wel my blip for today is of my feet. I was bored, so I wrote the date of when my boyfriend and I started going out. We've been together almost 5 months. This is the longest I've ever been in a relationship.

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