a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

365 blips!!

I did it!!!!!! I made it to 365....no gaps, one full year!!

I worked this morning, then came home to find Jack in his little pool. He hopped out and wrapped the towel around himself and came up onto the deck. It occured to me that my first blip a year ago was of him just out of the pool with a towel around himself, so I grabbed my camera and grabbed this shot of him. I thought, maybe each year on my blip birthday, I can take a photo of Jack in that spot to see how much he's changed since the year before.

Jack hasn't changed too much now that I am looking at the photos, maybe he's grown an inch or two and gained a couple of pounds. You can see my first blip !!here!!!!

I wanted to thank everyone who has taken the time to look at my journal, who has commented and left stars & hearts. Photography is a fun hobby for me, it's my 'me time'. I love taking photos, whether it's of Jack, nature, or an occasional still life. I am finding that the more I do it, the more toys I want to get. My next big purchase will be a 50 or 85mm lens. I've got a LONG way to go saving for it!! :)

Thank you to blipcentral for this awesome site...I've seen so many wonderful photos, and have 'met' so many great people. So much inspiration each day, it's amazing!!

Now, onward to a new year of blips!!!!

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