My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


Today has been very surreal, in both a good way and a bad way. Firstly it's been hotter than I ever remember it being here in Scotland - it's not often you walk outside here and get hit by a wall of heat. It felt and smelled like somewhere else. Difficulties that I can't go into just now contributed to the not so good surreal side.

I took my youth group to Laser Quest today. They all thoroughly enjoyed it, and were just as competitive as ever (as was I). I had a great time, although towards the end I jumped round a corner and got one of the girls' laser guns in my face, and now have a nice sore lip to show for it.

The image today was taken from my mum's studio/the garage, through the window she uses when making her stained glass windows. The dark lines are where the lead would be, and she blu tacks the glass in the right place as she cuts the pieces, to build up the picture. She's not working on a window just now, but she leaves the lines there so she doesn't walk into it.
The shed beyond is our playhouse, which my dad built for us several years ago, and has featured in many short films my sister and I have made. We used to have a pretend corner shop in there, called "Phil's Horseshoe Store". Don't ask who Phil is, I don't know either!
And yes I do know my camera is reflected in the window, but it was this one or some out of focus strawberries ...

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