
By PrimeMart

3 Sparkling Clean Boats

Looks like the one on the far left has not been out for a while.

Travelled back to South Glos today, Annie the Adria behaved herself this time, but in other exciting news... i had a barley sugar stuffed up my nose.

OK, I will explain. Tracey does not like me taking my eyes off of the road, so she peeled my barley sugar for me. She then attempted to put it in my mouth - but she does not like taking her eyes of of the road either - hence the barley sugar, nostril mishap/calamity.

But I did enjoy the little trip away. One of the joys of going away in Annie the Adria is the memories of past trips she always provides. Finding the 'Rilanja Creme Dusche' in the shower reminded me of Epernay; the German 'Salbe' of a bee sting in the Black Forest (not a nice place to be stung.)

Actually the salbe has became something of a family favourite. We thought it would be like Savlon, but it is Savlon on steroids with a baseball bat and knuckle dusters. Thick, glutinious orange stuff which stains clothes, skins and anything else in the vicinity. But my, it does the job.

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