A wonderful day. Up early to drive G to the station for cricket, then feed the chickens next door as the neighbours are on holiday. Then off to Salts Mill in Saltaire with Hellonwheels. What a very enjoyable day. In all my years here I have never been to Salts Mill, and obviously didn't know what I was missing. An amazing building; a huge selection of David Hockney paintings; and a bookshop designed in Heaven. The day flew by, with only brief stops for a luscious prawn salad lunch, and later a scrumptious slice of carrot cake and coffee. A few puchases were made but there is plently left for me to go back for.

Now home, I have rounded up the chickens, there only being one in their enclosure and the other two enjoying a day of freedom in the undergrowth; but I am now going to eat one of their eggs with my tuna salad. Thanks for that girls.

And thank you S for a super day.

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