a town called E.

By Eej

Grapes, Part I

If only people in real life were as nice as Blippers, the world would be a better place. Thank you, to all who stopped by yesterday to congratulate me. Blip-days are always a bit overwhelming aren't they?
Ah, just me then.
I would love to promise to stop by all of you to thank you personally but history has shown that I most decidedly suck when it comes to keeping promises and I figured I'd better be upfront. But I really, REALLY appreciate all comments and hearts for yesterday's Blip. I also had a good giggle over everyone who thought I'd actually quit. I giggled harder when even the Beloved said: "Wait, what? Are you quitting Blip?" when he read it.

This morning we went and saw our friend Joe for a bit, the one with the orchard and the vineyard. Lots of tiny green fruits around; mini green cherries, mini green apples and mini green grapes. It's going to be an abundant harvest, which is good because last year's sucked donkeyballs. I also learned that grapes flower. That's probably something I've either taken for granted or just not given much thought, because I realised I've never seen a grape flower. Oddly enough, they do it when the bunches have already formed. Fascinating, right?
Ah, just me then, again.
According to Joe, flowers should appear sometime this week/next weekend, so I'll go back then and check it out.
Today they looked like this in the sweltering heat.

If you find yourself with nothing to do this weekend and have some spare good thoughts laying about; if you could dedicate one to us, that would be lovely. We could use 'm.

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