
Ok who do Cal Mac get to decorate the interior of their ferries? because I think the one that did the interior of the new 25 million Finlaggan Islay ferry was just let out of some interior design asylem !!! The entire inside has loads of crazy glass , bendy mirrors, and plastic fake glass pillars.
Its going to be a nightmare to keep all this stuff fingerprint free as all I could see today as small bratty kids leaving their grubbly little prints all over the place and yes I know I need to lose weight, but I dont need these bloody fairground figure fattening bendy distorting mirrors making me ten times worse and what of all these folks imbibing in fine Islay malts!! one look in these danm mirrors and they will be flinging themselves over the side! Ok the mad zany fit inducing carpets are gone,only to be replaces with these reflective monstrositioes!

Was judging at the local Gaelic singing Mod today on Islay and have to say the wee primary kids were excellent, while the older teenagers when they turned up were a bit more lax! A good day and and excellent effort by the local Mod committee. A lot of hard work goes into making a successful local Mod and I take my hat of to all the organisers and all who participated. A grand day.

I had to leave in the afternoon as Abbie the wee dog wasnt well. Small wonder! She polished off a plate of tomato sauce covered spaghetti my daughter had left on the kitchen table, half a pound of butter, some fat left in the tray from the George Foreman and a tub of parmesan cheese! so no wonder she was puking all over the place. She is now fine but had had a food free day as a result Picture of Finlaggan reception area

Have a good blip evening all

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