The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

Sleepy Girl

Day 6 in the caravan and the bracing air of the North Norfolk coast and yesterday's three mile hike have taken its toll on Becky who is normally awake around 6:30 am but could not be woken up at 8:16 am this morning. Unfortunately, we didn't have the luxury of letting her sleep as this was eviction day for us and we needed to be off site by midday. We are not usually very good at achieving that so had taken down the awning last night to save an hour of departure preparation time.

In the end we left with 35 minutes to spare and Becky was deeply upset to be leaving the friends she met at teatime last night. Oh to be young again!

Anyway we are back home now and have been able to reconnect to the world of technology and I have back-blipped for the week as we had literally no connectivity since leaving home on Monday. The funny thing is that the only thing I really missed was Blipfoto as it has become a part of our daily ritual.

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