Lynn's Photo Fun

By nuttymartini

"Cadillac of American bicycles"

Phantom Bicycle
This classic was known as the "Cadillac of American bicycles". Style and craft merged in this bike suggestive of the flamboyant automobile styles of the era. Note the fenderlight, springer fork, chrome fenders, tank, rack, chainguard, balloon tires, and large saddle--all hallmarks of cruiser bikes.

Before Schwinn built a singe Black Phantom, they had to buy a million dollars worth of tools. Each Phantom was painstakingly resurrected.

You can pay $2,500 on this limited-edition Schwinn Black Phantom reproduction bicycle that weighs 55 pounds, has one gear and jerks to a stop with pedal brakes. 36 years ago the original's price was $79.95.

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